Few trump supporters gushed over his accomplishments. It was a lesser of evils. He was an outsider.
Biden is a figurehead like most presidents. If the 100 day BS holds you better grab your ass if you still have one.
i give him an f for falling down on the job..
Few trump supporters gushed over his accomplishments. It was a lesser of evils. He was an outsider.
Biden is a figurehead like most presidents. If the 100 day BS holds you better grab your ass if you still have one.
so you all probably heard that the awake magazine is back, .
and one of my jw relatives said they were told by some elders that meetings and field service will resume before the end of the year.. they said this covid virus was a test, like when the romans breached jerusalem and retreated, only to come back later and sack jerusalem.
Greater pushing slave driving from mom. I know very few who are looking forward to pounding on doors again
a pew study from 2020 (but one i just now came upon myself) reported that the more liberal you are, the more likely you are to have a mental health condition.
the worst suffering group are white females, ages 18-29 where over 56% have admitted to be described by their own doctors as having a mental health condition.
conservative females of the same age group suffer at less than half that number (27%).. while women tend to have more mental health problems than men (don't be mad at me for saying it, this is what the study reports) it is notable that liberal men have a higher percentage of mental health conditions than conservative women in the same age group.
Maybe conservatives won't admit it
every once in a while someone will post a video or a talk that was heard that shows how weird the watchtower society really is.
governing body vids are usually interesting or animated cartoons showing how strange the cult is entertaining.
Pretty quiet. The pictures snd videos seem to be from old stock. They still are in hiding from what info is posted. Last letter read was to stay segregated, limited time even taking walks, wear mask.
in case you haven't heard, they just discovered the remains of some 215 dead children at a so called canadian residential school.
they couldn't call it a death-camp could they ... it would be too obvious.. these were where indigenous children were taken, forcibly, in order to "educate" them out of their native customs and languages and make them integrate with society.. unbelievably, this was still going on in the 60s to 90s.. of course the catholic church has their sticky fingers all over it.
what is it about those creepy bastards?
I am afraid you will find the same story for US blacks, Indians, Good Shepherd homes (un wed mothers) australian aborigines.
Weigars, Indias untouchables. on......on
Pimo. So cannot say. A job is a large part of our identity.
🙄 pioneered, CO, DO, turned down for GB, now mooching and living off saved green handshakes, and am important moderator. HOW IS THAT?
we just saw the disney ad on tv.
pimi wife says we never took the kids.
i wanted to reply that we used vacation for conventions and important stuff..
We just saw the Disney ad on TV. Pimi wife says we never took the kids. I wanted to reply that we used vacation for conventions and important stuff.
so i noticed one of the members here came to my jwtalk website, where i am an important administrator, and tried to join my site.. i check in here every so often and i was able to deduce that person was an apostate fraud, likely bent on polluting my site.
i denied their request to join.. ha!
Being a stuffed shirt important administrator is not being a humble JW. Anyhow, you ain't 'sposed to be here.😊
in retrospect, for lurkerking fence sitters.
, today's( may 30 ) study article.:.
a mother un lovingly, on "apostate" advice, does everything, right and wrong to keep her daughter from becoming a wt slave.
A girl and mother studied but the mother did research, hence the apostate influence caused her to oppose the daughter.
The other is the e usual extreme shunning put forth as admirable.
BTW. Where are all the men lately? Seems to be single mothers and women in almost all the skits.
if you saw any of the 2021 show on pbs.
a touching and beautiful song.
i thought i had a link copied, but not.
If you saw any of the 2021 show on PBS. A touching and beautiful song. I thought I had a link copied, but not. Look it up.
Contrast the hymns with the ditties WT puts out.